Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lent Conversation

So we're getting ready to attend Lent services at church, and Camille says to me "So how long is Lint and what's it for?"  (no, that's not a typo, she thought it was "Lint")

I explained that Lent was a kind of preparing for Easter Season, and that it was used as a time for self reflection, doing acts of love, and even sacrificing things that you indulge in that may get between you and being the best Christian that you can be. 

"Remember last year when Mommy gave up Diet Coke for over a whole month?"  I asked her. 

Oh yes, EVERYONE remembers that sacrifice.  Apparently it's a bit more legendary in our home than it should be, (and maybe there was more fall-out that I had anticipated from depriving me of caffeine for 40 days...hmmm?) but I did it to make a point.

Afterwards, I found out that the bets were all for me NOT making it, including my husbands, who only bet I would make it two days.  (thanks, honey)   Well, now they all know how stubborn we Danes can be. ;-)

So during school today, I had the kids write down something to give UP each day, in a way of observing Lent. Then each day we can talk about how hard it sometimes is to stick to a commitment, and also how it takes a lot of self discipline to give up the things that we enjoy.

 Here's what Camille wrote:

"I'll give up food, give up water, and pop."

Man, she is one, tough cookie.


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