Monday, July 18, 2011

She said~ He said

Camille loves to come out and help me in the garden- not so much for the gardening, but for the uninterrupted opportunity to talk to me.  About everything and anything.  Because she knows the other kids avoid weeding and harvesting, so she doesn't have to share mom.

This week, she informed me that when she gets to be a grown up, she wants to become a house builder, a babysitter, and a person that works at Dad's work.  Umm...okay- sounds good. 

Then she informed me that she was also going to quit her jobs when she was 30 and she planned on adopting "lots of kids from Ethiopia and China, and maybe England."    (England?  Too cute.  And the way she tries to say "Ethiopia" just about makes me giggle every time.)  "And Mom, wouldn't that be cool that they will be speaking different languages?"  She has really been putting alot of thought into her adoption plan.

 Adoption has really been on her mind alot lately, because it colors many of her recent conversations.

She asked me one night in the car if I will be sad when Quinn has to go back to China, and that led to an interesting visit.   She was under the impression that we had actually adopted Menha and Deng, our last 2 foster care placements, so when they were returned to their family, Camille assumed that Quinn will also be someday be returned to her family in China. 

Obviously this has bothered her alot, but after explaining the difference and assuring her that both she and Quinn are adopted and not fostered, and that they will always belong to this family, she visibly relaxed. I think the fear of attaching and losing another "sister" was really bothering her- she's been much happier since.

Glad we got THAT ironed out!  :-)

Picked up Tanner last Thursday from Yankton so he could be home for Danish Days, and as always, his sense of humor had me smiling in no time.

He was telling me about how he went to the Yankton Pool that day to see the Viborg kids who were there for lessons, and how excited they were to see him. 

Tanner: "And the crowds went wild, Mom, the crowds went wild." 

Me:  "Really? The kids were happy to see you?"

Tanner:"Well duh.  I'm the most popular guy in Yankton. "

Son, you make me laugh!

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