Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bri's BB game

Today was a first for 2 of our girls- Bri had her first ever basketball game, and Quinn got to watch her first girls basketball game!

Bri was so excited and nervous at the same time, but she went out there cool as a cucumber and played very calmly and purposefully.  We were all thrilled for her when she made the first basket for her team!  They were outplayed with a score of 29-7, but she came off of the court flushed and exhuberated, telling us how much fun it had been and that she couldn't wait until the next game.

Bri, Shania, Kaylee, Tori, Coach Richards


Bri and her Cheerleaders
I love that she got so much joy out of playing today and just being with her friends. For them, it is still just a game...not a reason to stress out, or an opportunity to fail, or a guilt trip from sports crazed parents and fans.  I relish this time in her life when playing sports is done because it's just plain fun, and for no other reason than that.

Great Job, Cougars!

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