Thursday, December 8, 2011

Let's talk Frugality

So, Loren is driving up to Sioux Falls to a business dinner, and his favorite animal, the Deer With Suicidal Tendencies, finds him and again, makes contact. 

This is what he came home with...

(Yes, the poor man drives a mini-van to work...the less said on that subject, the better!)

The bumper is missing, a portion of the grill, and the front headlight.  Now it matches the other side, which also had a close encounter with 3 deer, and is also crushed in.  We also had to replace that front headlight, as well as a tail light from Luke's attempt to back out the car from the garage, but that's another story.....

I gotta tell ya, I am so proud of the fact that Loren can continue to drive this piece of junk    vintage car to work, when his peers are driving Hummers and Ford 150s that don't have major collision damage.  It takes alot of moxi for him to face that parking lot every morning.

That takes more than great self esteem...that takes big Kahoonas, in my book.  These are the things he does to take care of his family, putting his own needs on the back burner to make sure that ours are met. 

He is Awesome. With a capital A.

But now that we have managed to indent 3 of the 4 sides of the Milk Wagon, as I affectionately call it, I'm thinking that we will need to start looking for another used car.   Otherwise the next time he hits a bump in the road, I'm afraid the whole car is going to fall apart.

Thank you, sweetie, for always going above and beyond for your family; for putting your pride aside and putting your family first.

You are our hero!
Your family   xxxooo

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