Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sticker shock

I filled up my car yesterday and it cost $85.00!!!  Holy Moses!  I've had monthly car payments lower than that!  The scarey part is that with the Middle East being politically unstable, more so now than usual, the price of gas is only going to go up.  I joke with the kids that we will soon be riding the horses to town, but at this rate..... who knows?

Speaking of cars, I was so impressed to hear the Victory speech given by this year's Daytona 500 winner, Trevor Bayne. (That sweet boy is only 20 years old)   Not only did he thank God during his speech, he also indicated that a portion of his winnings would be going to charities supporting orphan relief.  How cool is that??  It's so refreshing to see an athlete model love for their neighbor instead of self love.  And we all love when orphan relief is promoted!

If you missed the article, here it is:

Do you think Nascar is also experiencing sticker shock at the pump?


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