Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hands and Feet of Jesus-June projects

Starting this past January, the kids and I started a little project we call Hands and Feet of Jesus.  I found that when we document and schedule our "good deeds", that we tend to do more of them! 


 Each month we're documenting the projects in the form of a scrapbook- maybe as a sort of validation?  Anyway, this is what we've been up to this past month.

Helped run VBS at Our Saviors Church- 5 days and an evening program.  (whew!)
Luke was in charge of Rec and I was in charge of Crafts.

The girls performed Danish Dancing for the residents at the Nursing Home.

Camille sang at the Nursing home.

Bri played her violin at the Nursing home also.

Volunteered at the VBS for Ethiopian, Burundi,and Rwandan children in Sioux Falls.

So glad that we were able to participate in so many incredible projects for the month of June because July looks to be super busy with kids activities and gardening deadlines.

I am also so grateful that I have the opportunity to be a SAHM and volunteer to help out with so many rewarding projects.

What do YOU do to make a difference?

"Bring me the sacrifice of your time; a most precious commodity." 

Jesus Calling- 365 Day Devotional

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